Charles Cros - Hieroglyphe/Hieroglyph
J'ai trois fenêtres à ma chambre:
L'amour, la mer, la mort,
Sang vif, vert calme, violet.
O femme, doux et lourd trésor!
Froids vitraux, cloches, odeurs d'ambre.
La mer, la mort, l'amour,
Ne sentir que ce qui me plaît ...
Femme, plus claire que le jour!
Par ce soir doré de septembre,
La mort, l'amour, la mer,
Me noyer dans l'oubli complet.
Femme! femme! cercueil de chair!
HIEROGLYPH (trans. by Rees)
I have three windows in my room:
Love, sea, death,
Living blood, calm green, violet.
O woman, sweet and heavy treasure!
Cold stained glass, bells, scents of amber.
Sea, death, love,
To feel only what gives me pleasure ...
Woman, brighter than daylight!
On this gilded September evening,
Death, love, sea,
To drown myself in entire oblivion.
Woman! woman! coffin of flesh!
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